81. Overlapping Domain Decomposition Methods#
Let \(\{ \Omega_i \}\) be a non-overlapping decomposition of \(\Omega\) into open sub-domains, i.e.
Let \(H_i = \operatorname{diam} \Omega_i\). To simplify notation we assume that all \(H_i\) are of the same order of magnitude, and write \(H\).
In addition to \(\Omega_i\), we define enlarged sub-domains
where the constant \(c\) is of order one.
The overlapping domain decomposition method is a sub-space decomposition of the global finite element space \(V_h \subset H^1_{0,D}(\Omega)\) into local spaces supported on the overlapping sub-domains \(\widetilde \Omega_i\), i.e.
The overlapping domain decomposition method is an additive Schwarz method with the space splitting
We are solving Dirichlet problems on the overlapping sub-domains, and adding up the solutions: The preconditioning action
is defined as
81.1. Experiments with overlapping DD#
from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
We start from a coarse grid, where we define the overlapping sub-domains as vertex patches: All elements connected with vertex i form the \(i^{th}\) sub-domain \(\widetilde \Omega_i\). To visualize it, we define an \(L_2\) finite element function with order=0
mesh = Mesh(unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.3))
fesdom = L2(mesh, order=0, autoupdate=True)
fes = H1(mesh, order=1, dirichlet="bottom", autoupdate=True)
gfdom = GridFunction(fesdom, multidim=mesh.nv, nested=True, autoupdate=True)
for el in mesh.Elements(VOL):
for v in el.vertices:
gfdom.vecs[v.nr][el.nr] = 1
for l in range(2):
Draw (gfdom, animate=True);
copy mesh complete
Setup the problem. The sub-spaces are now finite element functions which are in \(H_0^1(\Omega_i)\).
The sub-spaces are represented via BitArrays
cleared bits for dofs not belonging to elements outside \(\widetilde \Omega_i\):
u,v = fes.TnT()
a = BilinearForm(grad(u)*grad(v)*dx).Assemble()
pre = None
for v in gfdom.vecs:
mask = BitArray(fes.FreeDofs())
for el in fes.Elements(VOL):
if v[el.nr] == 0:
for d in el.dofs:
mask[d] = False
# print (mask)
invi = a.mat.Inverse(freedofs=mask, inverse="sparsecholesky")
pre = pre+invi if pre else invi
from ngsolve.la import EigenValues_Preconditioner
lam = list(EigenValues_Preconditioner(a.mat, pre))
print ("lammin, lammax=", lam[0], lam[-1])
print ("kappa=", lam[-1]/lam[0])
lammin, lammax= 0.06687894741407863 2.99999999999935
kappa= 44.857165311304264
We observe the following behaviour:
the condition number is independent of the refinement level
the condition number grows with the number of sub-domains
81.2. Analysis of the DD preconditioner#
Theorem: The eigenvalues of the domain decomposition preconditioner are bounded as
Outline of the proof: We apply the Additive Schwarz Lemma. The ASM lemma provides the representation
By assuming shape regularity of the domains, only a small, fixed number of sub-domains overlap. From that we get the constant upper bound \(c_2\) for the spectrum. For the lower bound \(c_1 H^2\) we have to define explicitly a decomposition of a finite element function \(u\) into sub-space finite element functions. This requires some technical tools.
Partition on unity:
We call the set of functions \(\{ \psi_i \}\) a partition of unity for the domain decomposition \(\widetilde \Omega_i\) iff
For the definition of the overlapping domain decomposition we can define a partition of unity as follows:
These functions are \(1\) inside \(\Omega_i\), \(0\) outside \(\widetilde \Omega_i\), and decay with a maximal derivative
However, these function do not sum up to 1, so we rescale by their sum to obtain a partition of unity:
\(H^1\)-stable quasi-interpolation operators:
We need local interpolation-like operators $\( \pi_h : H^1 \rightarrow V_h \)$
which are projectors onto \(V_h\), i.e. \(I_h v_h = v_h\) for \(v_h \in V_h\), are continuous in the \(H^1\) semi-norm
and satisfy the approximation estimate $\( \| \tfrac{1}{h} (v - \pi_h v) \|_{L_2(\Omega)} \prec \| \nabla v \|_{L_2(\Omega)}. \)$
We cannot use simple nodal interpolation since this is not well-defined for \(H^1\) functions (for two or more space dimensions), but we can use a Clément-type quasi-interpolation operator: Such an operator defines nodal values by some local averaging.
We have now the tools to conduct the proof for the sub-space decomposition:
For a given \(u \in V_h\) we define
These \(u_i\) are in \(V_i\), i.e. are localized finite element functions.
By linearity of the quasi-interpolation, the partition of unity, and the projection property they are a decomposition of the given function \(u\):
Finally, we have to bound the norm of the decomposition. First, we use the boundedness of the quasi-interpolation in the \(H^1\) semi-norm:
We continue with the product rule, and bounds for the pu-functions and their derivatives:
Finally, we sum over all sub-domains. We use that only a small, fixed number of sub-domains overlap:
In the last step we used Friedrichs’ inequality to bound the \(L_2\)-norm by the \(H^1\) semi-norm. The factor \(H^{-2}\) we paid for the derivative of the pu-functions shows up in the final result.
81.3. Overlapping DD Methods with coarse grid#
Now we add an additional coarse grid correction step. We assume that we have an additional finite element space \(V_H\), where the element-size is in the order of the sub-domain size \(H\). We assume that \(V_H \subset V_h\).
We define this two-level preconditioner \(C_{2L}\) by the preconditioning action in matrix notation
where \(A_H\) is the discretization matrix on the coarse grid, and \(P\) is the so called prolongation matrix. If \(v_H\) is some finite element function in the coarse space \(V_H\) with coefficient vector \(\underline v_H\), then the vector \(P \underline v_H\) are the coefficients of the same function represented on the fine grid. The matrix \(P\) of dimension \(\operatorname{dim} V_h \times \operatorname{dim} V_H\) will not be stored as a dense matrix, but the matrix vector product and its transpose are implemented as linear operators. They are called prolongation and restriction operators.
from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
Same as before, but now we assemble the bilinear-form already before mesh refinement, and invert the (small) coarse grid matrix by a direct solver:
mesh = Mesh(unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.3))
fesdom = L2(mesh, order=0, autoupdate=True)
fes = H1(mesh, order=1, dirichlet="bottom", autoupdate=True)
gfdom = GridFunction(fesdom, multidim=mesh.nv, nested=True, autoupdate=True)
for el in mesh.Elements(VOL):
for v in el.vertices:
gfdom.vecs[v.nr][el.nr] = 1
u,v = fes.TnT()
a = BilinearForm(grad(u)*grad(v)*dx).Assemble()
a0inv = a.mat.Inverse(fes.FreeDofs())
levels = 2
for l in range(levels):
copy mesh complete
the local inverses:
pre = None
for v in gfdom.vecs:
mask = BitArray(fes.FreeDofs())
for el in fes.Elements(VOL):
if v[el.nr] == 0:
for d in el.dofs:
mask[d] = False
invi = a.mat.Inverse(freedofs=mask, inverse="sparsecholesky")
pre = pre+invi if pre else invi
We have the prolongation as a function call, prolongating a vector in-place. Prolongate(l)
prolongates a vector from level l-1
to level l
. The transpose of the prolongation matrix is the restriction matrix, again implemented as an in-place operation:
class ProlongationOp(BaseMatrix):
def __init__ (self, fes, levels, nc):
super(ProlongationOp, self).__init__()
self.fes = fes
self.levels = levels
self.nc = nc
def Mult (self, x, y):
y[IntRange(0, self.nc)] = x
for l in range(self.levels):
fes.Prolongation().Prolongate(l+1, y)
def MultTrans (self, y, x):
hy = y.CreateVector()
hy.data = y
for l in range(self.levels, 0, -1):
fes.Prolongation().Restrict(l, hy)
x.data = hy[IntRange(0, self.nc)]
def Height (self):
return self.fes.ndof
def Width (self):
return self.fes.ndof
P = ProlongationOp (fes, levels, a0inv.height)
C2l = P @ a0inv @ P.T + pre
lam = list(EigenValues_Preconditioner(a.mat, C2l))
print ("lammin, lammax=", lam[0], lam[-1])
print ("kappa=", lam[-1]/lam[0])
lammin, lammax= 1.0427258429588369 3.692782966558738
kappa= 3.5414706478167877
81.4. Analysis of the 2-level method:#
We apply now the ASM - theory to the sub-space splitting
Theorem: The condition number of the 2-level method is bounded, i.e.
Proof: By the ASM Lemma we have
Again, only a fixed number of sub-spaces overlap, which immediately proves the constant \(c_2\).
We have to come up with an explicit decomposition \(u = u_H + \sum u_i\). First we fix the coarse grid function \(u_H\) by Clément interpolation onto the coarse-grid:
By semi-norm continuity of \(\pi_H\) there holds
and for the rest \(u_f = u - u_H\) there holds \(H^1\)-stability as well as good approximation in \(L_2\)-norm:
We proceed as above to decompose \(u_f = \sum u_i = \sum \pi_h (\psi_i u_f)\), which satisfy the estimates from above
The inverse factor \(H^{-2}\) we pay due to the partition of unity, we get back from the approximation error estimate of the coarse grid interpolant.
81.5. Comparison to DD with minimal overlap#
In comparison to the small overlap in the previous section, we have now an overlap of a fixed width, independent of the mesh-size. It is more expensive, but the condition number does not deteriorate for smaller mesh-size. The second difference is that we have now a coarse space containing the continuous, piecewise linear finite element functions. Thanks to this coarse space, we have a good approximation property of coarse grid functions.