92. A Small Number of Constraints#
There are many examples where we have only a small number of constraints. An example is a three-phase transformer, where the voltage is prescribed for each coil. This gives three scalar constraints to the field problem.
We consider now saddle-point problems
where \(B \in {\mathbb R}^{m \times n}\) with \(m\) small.
Let us reduce the problem to the Schur complement system
Now, the Schur complement
is a small matrix, which can be actually computed by solving \(m\) problems with the row vectors of \(B\).
from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
from netgen.geom2d import CSG2d, Circle, Rectangle
geo = CSG2d()
rect = Rectangle( pmin=(0,0), pmax=(10,1), bottom="free", top="free", left="left", right="right" )
mesh = Mesh(geo.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.3))
We consider an elasticity problem on a rectangular domain, fixed at the left end, and loaded by a force at the right boundary:
fes = VectorH1(mesh, order=3, dirichlet="left")
u,v = fes.TnT()
a = BilinearForm(fes)
a += InnerProduct(Sym(Grad(u)), Sym(Grad(v)))*dx + div(u)*div(v)*dx
f = LinearForm(1e-3*v[1]*ds("right")).Assemble()
gfu = GridFunction(fes)
gfu.vec.data = a.mat.Inverse(fes.FreeDofs()) * f.vec
Draw (gfu, deformation=True);
Now, instead of the loading, we want to prescribe an average displacement at the right end:
these constraints can be described by linear-forms
Assemble the two constraint-vectors, and write into a MultiVector:
bx = LinearForm(v[0]*ds("right")).Assemble()
by = LinearForm(v[1]*ds("right")).Assemble()
B = MultiVector(bx.vec, 2)
B[0] = bx.vec
B[1] = by.vec
Compute the Schur complement:
S = InnerProduct(B, a.mat.Inverse(fes.FreeDofs()) * B)
print (S)
6.6441 -0.0189391
-0.0189391 2676.93
Solve for the Lagrange parameter. It has the physical meaning of a force:
Uxy = Vector( (1, 3) )
force = S.I * Uxy
print (force)
and reconstruct the solution \(u\) from the computed Lagrange parameter:
fvec = B * force
gfu.vec.data = a.mat.Inverse(fes.FreeDofs()) * fvec
Draw (gfu, deformation=True);
This method requires to solve one linear system with right hand side \(f\), and \(m\) linerar systems for the Schur complement, one for each scalar constraint. We can use a preconditioner for \(A\), and solve these \(m+1\) systems by conjugate gradient iterations.
92.1. Projected preconditioner#
Next we present a method to solve these problem at the cost of one unconstrained problem, plus \(m\) applications of the preconditioner.
It consists of two steps:
Reduction to homogeneous constraints
Construct a preconditioner on the kernel of \(B\)
Reduction to homogeneous constraints
We solve the problem in two steps: First we find an \(u_0\) such that \(B u_0 = g\). We could do so by solving
using the Schur complement. However, this still requires the solution of \(m\) problems for the Schur complement.
A cheaper way is to solve
where \(\hat A\) is a preconditioner to \(A\). This can be solved by the inexact Schur complement, where \(A^{-1}\) is replace by \(\hat A^{-1}\). We use the very cheap Jacobi preconditioner:
prea = a.mat.CreateSmoother(fes.FreeDofs())
Shat = InnerProduct(B, prea * B)
print (Shat)
0.190039 0
0 0.203514
force = Shat.I * Uxy
fvec = B * force
gfu0 = GridFunction(fes)
gfu0.vec.data = prea * fvec
Draw (gfu0, deformation=True);
Now we have to solve the correction problem \(u = u_0 + u_1\), where \(u_1\) solves the saddle-point problem with homogeneous constraint:
Let \(V_0 = \operatorname{ker} \{ B \}\) be the null-space of \(B\). Instead of solving the problem with constraints, we could solve the variational problem on the linear sub-space \(V_0\): find \(u_1 \in V_0\) such that
We solve this problem on the sub-space \(V_0\) by a preconditioned conjugate gradient method, where the range of the projected preconditioner-action \(\hat A^{-1}\) spans the sub-space \(V_0\):
The projected problem for the preconditioned system can be solved by the saddle point problem
With the inexact Schur complement \(\hat S = B \hat A^{-1} B^T\) this is
and then
Bmat = BaseMatrix(B)
projpre = prea @ (IdentityMatrix() - Bmat @ BaseMatrix(Shat.I) @ Bmat.T @ prea)
res = -a.mat * gfu0.vec
res = res.Evaluate()
from ngsolve.krylovspace import CGSolver
projinv = CGSolver(a.mat, projpre, printrates=False, maxiter=1000)
gfu1 = GridFunction(fes)
gfu1.vec.data = projinv * res
Draw (gfu1, deformation=True)
gfu1.vec.data += gfu0.vec
Draw (gfu1, deformation=True);
Some remarks:
instead of applying the preconditioner \(\hat A\) twice, one could store the matrix \(\hat A^{-1} B\)
the Lagrange parameter \(p\) can be computed by multiplying the equation \(A u + B^T p = f\) from left with \(B \hat A^{-1}\), and then solving with the inexact Schur complement
\[ p = (B \hat A^{-1} B^T)^{-1} (B \hat A^{-1} (f - A u)) \]