84. Analysis of the multi-level preconditioner#
We apply the Additive Schwarz Theory to prove an optimal conditioner number of the multi-level preconditioner.
The outline is as follows. Provided that the \(A\)-norm is equivalent to the \(H^1\)-norm we will show easily that
We call the norm on the right hand side the multi-level norm. Then we prove that the multi-level norm is equivalent to the \(H^1\)-norm.
The idea is similar to Fourier-analysis. We decompose the function \(u\) into components \(w_l\) of different frequencies. For the particular frequency component \(w_l\) within the finite element space on the level-l mesh there holds
Taking one derivative on the left hand side corresponds to scaling with the inverse mesh-size \(h_l^{-1}\).
Theorem: The multi-level preconditioner can be expressed as above.
Proof: The multi-level preconditioner is recursively defined as
By combining all prolongations from level \(l\) to the finest level \(L\) as
we can replace the recursive definition of \(C_{ML}^{-1}\) by the sum
By a generalization of the ASM - lemma (replacing sub-space inverses \(A_l\) by the preconditioner \(D_l\)) we can represent the norm of the additive preconditioner by a minimal decomposition:
We have already shown that the Jacobi-preconditioner \(D_l\) satisfies
which proves the result. \(\Box\)
84.1. Nearly optimal analysis of the ML - preconditioner#
Define the multi-level norm
Theorem: There holds
Thus, the condition number of the ML-preconditioner is bounded as
Proof: We start with the estimate \(\| u \|_{ML}^2 \preceq L \| u \|_{H^1}^2\). Let \(\pi_l\) be a Clément-type operator projecting to \(V_l\) with the properties
We define
There holds (a telescopic sum):
i.e. we have a decomposition into sub-spaces. Furthermore there holds
Thus, every single term of the \(L+1\) terms of the \(ML\)-norm can be bounded by \(\| u \|_{H^1}\), and thus the estimate \(\| u \|_{ML}^2 \preceq (L+1) \, \| u \|_{H^1}^2\) is proven.
For the other estimate, let \(u = \sum_{l=0}^L u_l\), with \(u_l \in V_l\) be an arbitrary decomposition. There holds
Since this holds for an arbitrary decomposition \(u = \sum u_l\), it holds also for the minimal one.
84.2. Optimal analysis of the multi-level preconditioner#
By a refined analysis, both \(L\)-dependent estimates can be improved to uniform estimates. However, this requires more problem-specific assumptions, as well as advanced tools from interpolation spaces.
Theorem: There holds \(\| u \|_{H^1} \preceq \| u \|_{ML}\).
We first show that the estimate of \(A\)-inner products of functions from very different levels can be improved essentially:
Lemma: For \(u_l \in V_l\) and \(v_k \in V_k\) there holds
Proof: Assume \(l \leq k\), i.e., \(u_l\) is a function on a coarser level than \(v_k\). The idea is to apply integration by parts to put all derivatives to \(u_l\). Integration by parts can only be done element-by-element on the coarser mesh:
Proof of the theorem:
We start as above with an arbitrary decomposition \(u = \sum u_l\), and use the improved estimate for the inner product:
We used that \(\sum_k 2^{-|l-k|/2}\) is a convergent, geometric series. The term from the coarsest level was skipped for convenience of notation.
Definition: Full regularity assumption: The underlying differential equation satisfies full elliptic regularity if for arbitrary right hand side \(f \in L_2\) the solution \(u\) is \(H^2\)-regular with the estimate
This assumption is satisfied if the domain \(\Omega\) is convex, or its boundary is \(C^1\)-continuous.
Aubin-Nitsche lemma: Assume that the differential equation satisfies full elliptic regularity. Then there holds
where \(u_h\) is the Galerkin approximation of \(u\), i.e. \(u_h \in V_h\) such that
Proof: finite element class.
Theorem: Assume full elliptic regularity. Then there holds
Proof: Given an arbitrary \(u \in V_L\). We decompose \(u\) by \(A\)-orthogonal projections.
Define \(u_l = \Pi_l u\) as \(u_l \in V_l\) such that
By the Aubin-Nitsche lemma we obtain
Since the spaces are nested we get \(u_{l-1} = \Pi_{l-1} u = \Pi_{l-1} \Pi_l u = \Pi_{l-1} u_l\), and by Aubin-Nitsche
Now define the decomposition \(u = u_0 + \sum w_l\) via orthogonal projections:
Thus, using the Pythagorean theorem
and the proof is complete.
84.2.1. Regularity-free estimate#
Now we show \(\| u \|_{ML} \preceq \| u \|_{H^1}\) without any regularity assumption. The technique is based on Hilbert-space interpolation theory by the K-functional,see numpde lecture notes, pp43.
We proceed similar as above. Let \(\Pi_l : L_2 \rightarrow V_l\) be an Clément-type operator such that
We define \(u_0 = \Pi_0 u\) and \(u_l = \Pi_l u - \Pi_{l-1} u\). We obtain the 2 estimates
The idea of the proof is that \(H^1\) is the interpolation space \([L_2, H^2]_{1/2}\). We define the K-functional
Combining the 2 estimates above we get
Thus, the sum over \(L\) levels is
Next we use that \(K(s,.) \simeq K(t,.)\) for \(t \leq s \leq 2t\) and replace the sum by an integral, and substitute \(t := 2^{-l}, dt \simeq -2^{-l} dl = -t dl\):
An intuitive explanation of the proof is that different terms of the sum \(\sum_{l=1}^L h_l^{-2} \| \Pi_l u - \Pi_{l-1} u \|_{L_2}^2\) are dominated by different frequency components of \(u\). The squared \(H^1\)-norm is the sum over \(H^1\)-norms of the individual frequency components.
Literature: Xu, Jinchao: Iterative methods by space decomposition and subspace correction. SIAM Rev. 34 (1992), no. 4, 581–613 https://epubs.siam.org/doi/10.1137/1034116