35. Abstract Theory#
\(\DeclareMathOperator{\opdiv}{div}\) We have seen a couple of examples leading to variational problems of the form:
Mixed variational problem: Find \(u \in V\) and \(p \in Q\) such that
\[\begin{split} \begin{array}{ccccll} a(u,v) & + & b(v,p) & = & f(v) & \forall \, v \in V \\ b(u,q) & & & = & g(q) & \forall \, q \in Q \end{array} \end{split}\]
We introduce operators
to rewrite the variational problem as operator equation
To be solvable, the \(B\) operator must be onto (surjective). If we think of matrices, it cannot be a high rectangular matrix, i.e. the space \(Q\) must not be too rich.
Surjectivity of \(B\) can be rephrased by the LBB-condition:
Typically, the \(B\) operator has a non-trivial null-space:
We split the space \(V\) orthogonally as \(V = V_0 \times V_0^\bot\), and decompose vectors and operators accordingly:
This is a block-triangular system. First we use the third equation to solve for \(u_\bot\), then we use the second equation to solve for \(u_0\), and finally we use the first equation to solve for \(p\). For this construction, we need regularity of \(B_\bot\) (and thus also \(B_\bot^*\)), and \(A_{00}\). Regularity of \(B_\bot\) follow from the LBB condition. We require that the bilinear-form \(a(.,.)\) is coercive on the null-space \(V_0\) to guarantee regularity of \(A_{00}\).
By forming the product space \(X = V \times Q\), we can consider one problem: find \((u,p) \in X\) such that
with the big bilinear-form
and the big linear-from
We collect the finding to the following
Brezzi’s theorem:
V and Q Hilbert spaces,
\(a(.,.)\) and \(b(.,.)\) continuous bilinear-forms,
\(f(.)\) and \(g(.)\) continuous linear-forms.
Assume there holds the LBB condition
\[ \sup_{u \in V} \frac{b(u,p)}{\| u \|_V} \geq \beta \| p \|_Q \]and the kernel coercivity
\[ A(v,v) \geq \alpha \| v \|_V^2 \quad \forall \, v \in V_0. \]Then the mixed variational problem is uniquely solvable with
\[ \| u \|_V + \| p \|_Q \leq c \, ( \| f \|_{V^\ast} + \| g \|_{Q^\ast}) \]
Proof: The proof follows solving the triangular system above.
The big bilinear-form \(B(.,.)\) is continuous
We prove that it fulfills the \(\inf-\sup\) condition
Then, we use Theorem by Babuska-Aziz to conclude continuous solvability.
To prove the \(\inf-\sup\)-condition, we choose arbitrary \(v \in V\) and \(q \in Q\). We will construct \(u \in V\) and \(p \in Q\) such that
First, we use the LBB-condition to choose \(u_1 \in V\) such that
Next, we solve a problem on the kernel:
Due to kernel ellipticity, the left hand side is a coercive bilinear-form on \(V_0\). The right hand side is a continuous linear-form. By Lax-Milgram, the problem has a unique solution fulfilling
We set
By the Riesz-isomorphism, we define a \(z \in V\) such that
By construction, it fulfills \(z \bot_V V_0\). The LBB condition implies
and thus \(B^\ast Q\) is closed, and \(z \in B^\ast Q\). Take the \(p \in Q\) such that
It fulfills
Concluding, we have constructed \(u\) and \(p\) such that
35.1. Constrained minimization problem#
Now assume that \(a(.,.)\) is symmetric and coercive. Consider the constrained minimization problem
The Lagrangian is
Zeroing the directional derivatives with respect to the \(V\)-variable we get
and for the \(Q\)-variable we obtain
The mixed variational problem is recovered from the Karush Kuhn Tucker (KKT) conditions.
35.2. Stokes equation within the abstract theory#
The Hilbert spaces are \(V := [H_0^1(\Omega)]^d\) and \(Q = L_2^0\), and the forms
are continuous. The LBB condition
for \(q \in L_2\) with \(\int q = 0\) is true, but non-trivial to prove.
The kernel space is
the bilinear-form \(a(.,.)\) is coercive on the whole space \(V\), and so also on the sub-space \(V_0\).
35.3. Dirichlet boundary conditions as mixed system#
\(V = H^1(\Omega)\), \(Q = H^{-1/2}(\partial \Omega)\)
Continuity of \(a(.,.)\) and \(f(.)\) are clear. Continuity of \(b(.,.)\) and \(g(.)\) require the trace theorem, and \(\left< v, \mu \right>_{H^{1/2} \times H^{-1/2} } \leq \| v \|_{H^{1/2}} \| \mu \|_{H^{-1/2}}\).
To show the LBB-condition, we use that we can continuously extend a boundary function \(v \in H^{1/2}\) to a domain function \(w \in H^1\):
The kernel space is
On \(H_0^1\), the bilinear-form \(a(.,.)\) is continuous by Friedrichs’ inequality.
35.4. Mixed method for second order equation#
Our Hilbert-spaces are \(\Sigma \times V = H(\operatorname{div}) \times L_2\), the forms are
On \(H(\operatorname{div})\) we have the norm
Thus, all forms are continuous. The LBB condition
is shown as follows: Given a \(v \in L_2\), we are going to find a candidate \(\sigma\). We solve the Poisson equation
By Friedrichs’ inequality we get \(\| \nabla w \|_{L_2} \prec \| v \|_{L_2}\). We set \(\sigma = \nabla w\), and see that \(\operatorname{div} \sigma = v\). Thus
The kernel space is
The bilinear-form \(a(.,.)\) is not elliptic in general, but on the kernel: