80. Domain Decomposition with minimal overlap#
With domain decomposition (DD) methods one splits a large problem on a big domain \(\Omega\) into smaller problems on sub-domains \(\Omega_i\). One advantage is that direct factorization on each sub-domain is cheaper than factorization of the global problem. Assume that the global problem is of size \(N\), and we use \(m\) sub-domains. Assume the (sparse) factorization of a problem of size \(n\) has costs \(O(n^\alpha)\). Then the advantage is
For sparse direct solvers based on nested dissection \(\alpha = 1.5\) for 2D problems, and \(\alpha = 2\) for 3D.
We sub-divide the unit-square into \(m_x \times m_y\) sub-domains. On the lower boundary we assign a boundary condition label:
from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
from netgen.occ import *
mx, my = 3,3
rects = [MoveTo(i/mx,j/mx).Rectangle(1/mx,1/my).Face().bc("mat"+str(i)+str(j)) for i in range(mx) for j in range(my)]
shape = Glue(rects)
shape.edges[Y<0.001].name = "bottom"
Draw (shape);
geo = OCCGeometry(shape,dim=2)
mesh = Mesh(geo.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.05))
print (mesh.GetMaterials(), mesh.GetBoundaries())
Draw (mesh);
('mat00', 'mat01', 'mat02', 'mat10', 'mat11', 'mat12', 'mat20', 'mat21', 'mat22') ('bottom', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'bottom', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'bottom', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'default')
setup a standard problem, Dirichlet b.c. on the bottom boundary:
fes = H1(mesh, order=1, dirichlet='bottom')
print ("ndof =", fes.ndof)
u,v = fes.TnT()
a = BilinearForm(grad(u)*grad(v)*dx).Assemble()
ndof = 488
We build a precontioner as the sum of inverses on sub-domains:
We iterate over the individual sub-domains. The function
returns one volume region, which can be split into a list of regions.A finite element space can provide a
marking the dofs of a certain region. Then we perform the logical and operation&
with the non-Dirichet dofs.The
takes the sub-matrix corresponding to the domain dofs, inverts it with a sparse direct solver, and inserts the small inverse into the large by padding with zeros. The costs are \(O(N + N_{\text{used}}^\alpha)\), where the constant for the \(O(N)\) term is very small.The final preconditioner is the sum of sub-domain inverses.
pre = None
for dom in mesh.Materials(".*").Split():
domaindofs = fes.GetDofs(dom) & fes.FreeDofs()
# print (domaindofs)
print ("num dofs:", domaindofs.NumSet())
invi = a.mat.Inverse(domaindofs)
pre = invi if pre == None else pre + invi
from ngsolve.la import EigenValues_Preconditioner
lami = list(EigenValues_Preconditioner(mat=a.mat, pre=pre))
print ("condition number = ", lami[-1]/lami[0])
num dofs: 56
num dofs: 64
num dofs: 64
num dofs: 56
num dofs: 65
num dofs: 65
num dofs: 56
num dofs: 65
num dofs: 65
condition number = 146.02753241632854
To check the solution:
f = LinearForm(x*v*dx).Assemble()
gfu = GridFunction(fes)
from ngsolve.krylovspace import CGSolver
inv = CGSolver(mat=a.mat, pre=pre)
gfu.vec.data = inv * f.vec
print ("Iterations: ", len(inv.errors))
Draw (gfu);
Iterations: 42
Experiment with number of subdomains, and mesh-size. You should observe a condition number \(O( h^{-1} H^{-1} )\), where \(H\) is the sub-domain size, and \(h\) is the element-size.
80.1. Analysis of the method#
We apply the ASM theory, where sub-spaces are
By the ASM Lemma, the preconditioner norm is
Since one sub-space \(V_i\) has overlap with at most 9 spaces \(V_j\), there immediately follows
For the other bound we have to find a decomposition, and bound the norm:
Lemma Let \(u \in H^1(\Omega)\), and \(u_i = u\) in \(\Omega_i\), and all other dofs set to zero. Then
Proof: Follows from the scaled trace theorem
and the decay of functions in the first layer of elements outside \(\Omega_i\):
Choosing these \(u_i\) for every sub-domain does not lead to a decomposition \(u = \sum{u_i}\) since dofs at the interface contribute to several sub-space functions. So, we have to divide each coefficient by the number of sub-domains it belongs to, to obtain a decomposition \(\tilde u_i\). The estimate is very similar.
gfi = GridFunction(fes)
domi = mesh.Materials(".*").Split()[4]
proj = Projector(fes.GetDofs(domi), True)
gfi.vec.data = proj * gfu.vec
Draw (gfi);
80.2. Adding a coarse grid space#
We build a coarse space of functions being constant inside each sub-domain. Since the functions are continuous, they decay within one layer of elements:
gfcoarse = GridFunction(fes, multidim=len(mesh.Materials(".*").Split()))
mv = gfcoarse.vecs # a multi-vector
proj = Projector(fes.FreeDofs(),True)
for i,dom in enumerate (mesh.Materials(".*").Split()):
consti = GridFunction(fes)
consti.Set(1, definedon=dom)
mv[i].data = consti.vec
Draw (gfcoarse, mesh, animate=True)
print ("Multivector components:",len(mv))
Multivector components: 9
We add the space spanned by these (essentially) piecewise constant functions as additional sub-space, and define a coarse grid correction step:
a0 = InnerProduct(mv, a.mat * mv)
print (a0)
inva0 = BaseMatrix(a0.I)
E0 = BaseMatrix(mv)
coarsegrid = E0 @ inva0 @ E0.T
23.7946 1 0 2.2975 -0.337032 0 0 0 0
1 24.9739 1 -0.324899 2 -0.333629 0 0 0
0 1 16.6868 0 -0.35572 1 0 0 0
2.2975 -0.324899 0 32.1655 2 0 2.31221 -0.39022 0
-0.337032 2 -0.35572 2 34.731 2 -0.365027 2 -0.386817
0 -0.333629 1 0 2 24.7111 0 -0.307914 1
0 0 0 2.31221 -0.365027 0 23.5794 1 0
0 0 0 -0.39022 2 -0.307914 1 25.233 1
0 0 0 0 -0.386817 1 0 1 16.2131
pre2 = pre + coarsegrid
lami = list(EigenValues_Preconditioner(mat=a.mat, pre=pre2))
print ("condition number = ", lami[-1]/lami[0])
condition number = 125.13234921846973
… it does not work very well
We can improve it by scaling the coarse grid functions by the number of domains it belongs to. Thanks to this scaling a globally constant function can be represented within the coarse space.
ones = mv[0].CreateVector()
cnt = mv[0].CreateVector()
cnt[:] = 0
ones[:] = 1
for dom in mesh.Materials(".*").Split():
cnt += Projector(fes.GetDofs(dom),True)*ones
idiag = DiagonalMatrix(cnt).Inverse(fes.FreeDofs())
for v in mv:
v.data = (idiag*v).Evaluate()
a0 = InnerProduct(mv, a.mat * mv)
# print (a0)
# print (a0 * Vector( (1,)*len(mv)))
inva0 = BaseMatrix(a0.I)
E0 = BaseMatrix(mv)
coarsegrid = E0 @ inva0 @ E0.T
pre3 = pre + coarsegrid
lami = list(EigenValues_Preconditioner(mat=a.mat, pre=pre3))
print ("condition number = ", lami[-1]/lami[0])
condition number = 22.724988999951798
gfu0 = GridFunction(fes)
gfu0.vec.data = coarsegrid * (a.mat * gfu.vec)
Draw (gfu0);
Exercise: The condition number can be estimated by:
Hint: First, split the global function as \(u = u_H + u_f\), where \(u_H\) is in domain-wise constant space such that the constant is the mean-value of \(u\). Show that
Then, decompose \(u_f = \sum u_i\) following the path from above, but using a refined estimates for the trace:
80.3. Graph-based mesh partitioning#
The geometric decomposition of a domain into nice sub-domains as we have done above is usually not feasible. In practice, one often uses graph-based mesh partitioning tools. The mesh connectivity is represented as a graph, where the
mesh = Mesh(unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.1))
Draw (mesh);
We build a graph (stored as a list of lists) for the neighbor elements:
nbels = []
for el in mesh.Elements(VOL):
nbs = []
for f in el.facets:
for nb in mesh[f].elements:
if nb != el:
# print (nbels)
Metis is such a graph partitioning tool. Python bindings are provided via the package pymetis. We provide the element neighbor graph as adjacency relation:
import pymetis
ndom = 6
n_cuts, membership = pymetis.part_graph(ndom, adjacency=nbels)
gfdom = GridFunction(L2(mesh,order=0))
gfdom.vec.data = BaseVector(membership)
Draw (gfdom);
A basic method for graph partitioning is spectral bisection: One computes the eigenfunction to the smallest non-zero eigenvalue of the Laplace-operator with Neumann boundary conditions. Two sub-domains are defined for the points where the eigenfunction is positive, or negative. Consider as an example a long rectangle: The eigenfunction is a sine-function in the long direction, and the interface between the sub-domains is as short as possible.
fes = H1(mesh, order=1, dirichlet='bottom')
print ("ndof =", fes.ndof)
print (fes.FreeDofs())
u,v = fes.TnT()
a = BilinearForm(grad(u)*grad(v)*dx).Assemble()
gfu = GridFunction(fes)
domdofs = [BitArray(fes.ndof) for i in range(ndom)]
for d in domdofs: d.Clear()
for el in fes.Elements(VOL):
for d in el.dofs:
ndof = 137
0: 00110000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111
50: 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
100: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111
pre = None
for dd in domdofs:
invi = a.mat.Inverse(dd & fes.FreeDofs())
pre = invi if pre == None else pre + invi
from ngsolve.la import EigenValues_Preconditioner
lami = list(EigenValues_Preconditioner(mat=a.mat, pre=pre))
print ("condition number = ", lami[-1]/lami[0])
condition number = 45.10163889987329
80.4. With the coarse space#
gfcoarse = GridFunction(fes, multidim=ndom)
mv = gfcoarse.vecs
proj = Projector(fes.FreeDofs(),True)
for i in range(ndom):
gfcoarse.Set(IfPos( Norm(gfdom-i)-0.5, 0, 1), mdcomp=i)
Draw (gfcoarse, animate=True);
a0 = InnerProduct(mv, a.mat * mv)
print (a0)
# print (a0 * Vector( (1,)*len(mv)))
inva0 = BaseMatrix(a0.I)
E0 = BaseMatrix(mv)
coarsegrid = E0 @ inva0 @ E0.T
pre3 = pre + coarsegrid
lami = list(EigenValues_Preconditioner(mat=a.mat, pre=pre3))
print ("condition number =", lami[-1]/lami[0])
4.46499 0 -2.69243 -1.77256 0 0
0 11.8079 -2.94996 0 -1.1869 0
-2.69243 -2.94996 8.13912 -1.73742 -0.759305 0
-1.77256 0 -1.73742 7.19131 -0.598901 -3.08243
0 -1.1869 -0.759305 -0.598901 7.8499 -1.7794
0 0 0 -3.08243 -1.7794 4.86183
condition number = 8.94990000871906