9. Vectorization#

This function adds four doubles:

double a[4], b[4], c[4];
void Sum4() {
  c[0] = a[0] + b[0];
  c[1] = a[1] + b[1];
  c[2] = a[2] + b[2];
  c[3] = a[3] + b[3];

Compiling it for modern intel CPUs gives this assembly code: Compiler explorer

vmovapd ymm0, ymmword ptr [rip + a]
vaddpd  ymm0, ymm0, ymmword ptr [rip + b]
vmovapd ymmword ptr [rip + c], ymm0

The first instruction loads four doubles from variable a into the 256-bit register ymm0, the second one (vaddpd) adds four doubles from variable b to register ymm0, and the third one stores the result to variable c. The compiler knows what kind of instructions are supported by the CPU.

ymm are CPU registers of width 256 bits, they can hold four doubles (double precision floating point numbers), or eight floats (single precision floating point numbers). These 256bit registers are available in CPUs supporting the AVX extension. The older xmm registers can hold two doubles, and zmm registers can even hold 8 doubles, they are available on server CPUs, and only within a few consumer CPUs.

Now, try this similar function (copy into compiler explorer):

void Sum4(double *a, double *b, double *c) {
  c[0] = a[0] + b[0];
  c[1] = a[1] + b[1];
  c[2] = a[2] + b[2];
  c[3] = a[3] + b[3];

why can’t the compiler generate similar short code ?

Modern compilers can do a lot of auto-vectorization, but often the outcome is more predictable if we do the vectorization by hand. For that, compiler provide vector data types, and so called intrinsic functions, which look like C functions:

#include <immintrin.h>
void Sum4(double *a, double *b, double *c) {
   __m256d va = _mm256_loadu_pd(a);
   __m256d vb = _mm256_loadu_pd(b);
   __m256d vc = _mm256_add_pd(va, vb);
   _mm256_storeu_pd(c, vc);

On Intel (and compatible) CPUs we include the the immintrin.h header. This provides the data-type __mm256d for a vector of four doubles (which are 256bits). The intrinsic function _mm256_loadu_pd loads such a 4-vector starting from the address given by a double pointer. The intrinsic function _mm256_add_pd adds two 4-vectors, and finally _mm256_storeu_pd stores the 4-vector in memory, starting at the address given by a double pointer. Try this code in compiler explorer !

Available intrinsics are found in the Intel Intrinsics Guide. Lookup the documentation of the functions used above!

These intrinsics are supported by all major compilers (gcc, clang, msvc, icc, …), however with slightly different behaviour. For example, gcc has arithmetic operations for type __m256d predefined, in msvc the intrinsic function must be called.

Vectorization is like


9.1. The SIMD - class#

We do not recommend to write large code using intrinsics, but wrap vector data types and intrinsic functions into high-level C++ classes. This is done in the simd_xxx.h header files. For example, the 4 double vector type __m256d is wrapped into the template class SIMD<double,4>, in file simd_avx.h. SIMD is short for Single Instruction Multiple Data

class SIMD<double,4> {
   __m256d val;
    SIMD (double _val) : val{_mm256_set1_pd(_val)} {};
    SIMD (double v0, double v1, double v2, double v3) : val{_mm256_set_pd(v3,v2,v1,v0)} {  }
    SIMD (__m256d _val) : val{_val} {};    
    SIMD (double const *p) { val = _mm256_loadu_pd(p); }

    auto Val() const { return val; }    
    void Store (double *p) { _mm256_storeu_pd(p, val); }

inline SIMD<double,4> operator+ (SIMD<double,4> a, SIMD<double,4> b)
  { return SIMD<double,4> (_mm256_add_pd(a.Val(), b.Val())); }

The Sum4-function is now coded as

void Sum4 (double *a, double *b, double *c) {
  SIMD<double,4> va(a);
  SIMD<double,4> vb(b);
  SIMD<double,4> vc = va+vb;
  vc.Store (c);

Try it on Compiler explorer

If you are using an Apple silicon processor (manufactured by ARM), your SIMD types are in the file simd_arm.h, and documentation for the intrinsics can be found here

9.2. Usage of the SIMD-class#

You find examples in the file demos/demo_simd.cc. The SIMD-template is designed such that you can use it for arbitrary (in some range) size. If it is a native size for your CPU, it will directly use the vector register. If it is larger, the SIMD-type is split into smaller SIMDs.

Creation of SIMD - vector variables:

  • Either from simd-size scalar values

  • one value which will be broadcasted to the vector

  • a pointer from where simd-size values are loaded

SIMD<double,4> a(1.,2.,3.,4.);
SIMD<double,4> b(1.0);
double mem[4] = { 10, 11, 12, 13 };
SIMD<double,4> c(&mem[0]);


std::cout << "a = " << a << std::endl;

You can perform arithmetic operations with this vector variables (not everything is implemented, but can be added easily following the same pattern):

auto d = a*b+c;

The operations are applied to each scalar component of the vector.

Then you can store the result to memory:

double res[4];

9.3. Masking operations#

We can generate boolean-SIMDs like this:

SIMD<int64_t,4> sequ = IndexSequence<int64_t, 4>();
cout << "sequ = " << sequ << endl;
SIMD<mask64,4> mask = (2 >= sequ);
cout << "2 >= " << sequ << " = " << mask << endl;

The output is as follows:

sequ = 0, 1, 2, 3
2 >= 0, 1, 2, 3 = t, t, t, f

The mask can be used to select component-wise between two simd vectors:

auto res = Select(mask, a, b);

For the mask (t,t,t,f), the result res is (a0,a1,a2,b3).

A mask can also be used to load or store only a subset of vector components.

c.Store(&mem[0], mask);

Such a mask is useful to treat the left-over of a long vector operations. Let’s copy vector x to vector y. The bulk of the vector is processed using SIMD<4> instructions. For the \(n\%4\) elements at the end one could start a scalar loop, or use masking:

size_t i = 0;
for ( ; i+4 <= n; i += 4)
   SIMD<double,4> (px+i).Store(py+i);
auto mask = (n%4) > IndexSequence<int64_t, 4>();
SIMD<double,4>(px+i, mask).Store(py+i, mask);

9.4. Horizontal operations, shuffling#

SIMD - operations work very well when data is aligned properly. Sometimes one has to move data around the individual components, what is less fun (and less efficient). An example is summing all entries of a simd-vector, called horizontal sum. This functions forms the horizontal sums of two given vectors:

SIMD<double,2> HSum (SIMD<double,4> sd1, SIMD<double,4> sd2) {
  __m256d hv = _mm256_hadd_pd(sd1.Val(), sd2.Val());
  __m128d hv2 = _mm_add_pd (_mm256_extractf128_pd(hv,0), _mm256_extractf128_pd(hv,1));
  return SIMD<double,2>(_mm_cvtsd_f64 (hv2), _mm_cvtsd_f64(_mm_shuffle_pd (hv2, hv2, 3)));

Lookup the documentation of the used intrinsics.


  • Implement missing arithmetic operations for the SIMD template class

  • (Intel CPUs only) Implement SIMD<T,2> classes similar to the 4-wide SIMDs. Use intrinsics to construct/split the SIMD<T,4> from/to SIMD<T,2> types.

  • (ARM CPUs only) Implement missing comparison operators

  • Implement a \(4\times4\) - Transpose operations: The 4 input SIMD-vectors ai contain the rows of a \(4\times4\)-matrix. The output vectors bi should have the rows of the transpose matrix:

void Transpose (SIMD<double,4> a0, SIMD<double,4> a1, SIMD<double,4> a2, SIMD<double,4> a3,
                SIMD<double,4> &b0, SIMD<double,4> &b1, SIMD<double,4> &b2, SIMD<double,4> &b3);

Useful functions are _mm256_unpacklo_pd, _mm256_unpackhi_pd, _mm256_insertf128_pd, and _mm256_extractf128_pd.