5. Expression templates#

Think of a code like

z = x + 3*y;

where x,y,z are vectors. What happens ? First, the operator* (double, Vector) is called, it generates a temporary vector for 3*y, and then the operator+ (Vector, Vector) is called to compute a new vector for the sum. Finally, the later vector is copied into the memory of z.

Writing an old-style C code

for (size_t i = 0; i < z.Size(); i++)
  z(i) = x(i) + 3*y(i);

seems to be much more efficient, no temporary objects are created, and the result values are stored at the right position immediately.

Expression templates provide a way to combine the elegance of the first version, with the performance of the explicit loop.

The trick is that x+3*y does not return vectors, but it returns the logic information of the expression, like I am the sum of a vector and a second vector scaled by the scalar 3. Such expressions can be built by the compiler using templates, something like the type

SumExpr< Vector , ScaleExpr< double, Vector > >

The use of templates for encoding such expressions is called the expression template paradigm. One also refers to lazy evaluation, since the evaluation happens later, just when the result is written to the destination vector.

The ASC-bla library implements such expression templates for vectors, in the branch expr.

Here we have the base class template VecExpr for all vector expressions, the SumVecExpr, and the operator+ for creating such a SumVecExpr.

template <typename T>
  class VecExpr
    auto Upcast() const { return static_cast<const T&> (*this); }
    size_t Size() const { return Upcast().Size(); }
    auto operator() (size_t i) const { return Upcast()(i); }

template <typename TA, typename TB>
  class SumVecExpr : public VecExpr<SumVecExpr<TA,TB>>
    TA a_;
    TB b_;
    SumVecExpr (TA a, TB b) : a_(a), b_(b) { }

    auto operator() (size_t i) const { return a_(i)+b_(i); }
    size_t Size() const { return a_.Size(); }      

template <typename TA, typename TB>
  auto operator+ (const VecExpr<TA> & a, const VecExpr<TB> & b)
  return SumVecExpr(a.Upcast(), b.Upcast());

The fancy trick is that SumVecExpr derives from the base class VecExpr, and gives itself as the template argument to the base. So, we can statically up-cast the base to the derived class. This idiom is known as curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP) or Barton–Nackman trick. In the breaking work by Todd Veldhuizen Expression Templates the expression templates paradigm for vector operations was introduced. However, back in 1995, it was too much for compiler technology.

If we call the call operator operator()(size_t) of an VecExpr<T> object, it upcasts to T, and calls the call operator there. In this example the operator() of a SumVecExpr calls the operator() of both of its members.

How can this operator+ be applied to Vectors ? Do we have to define all combinations of operator+([Vector|VecExpr], [Vector|VecExpr]) ? We can avoid it by letting Vector derive from VecExpr. However, we don’t want to copy the vector into the SumVecExpr. We could do it by using references - or, alternatively, we introduce a view of a vector, a VectorView.

5.1. VectorView#

Consider the following class hierarchy:

template <typename T>
class VecExpr;

template <typename T>
class VectorView : public VecExpr<VectorView<T>>
  size_t size_;
  T * data_;
  VectorView (size_t size, T * data)
    : size_(size), data_(data) { }

T & operator()(size_t i) { return data[i]; }

template <typename T>
class Vector : public VectorView<T>
   Vector (size_t size)
     : VectorView (size, new T[size]) { }
   ~Vector() { delete [] data_; }

The VectorView is a slim class, which can be easily copied using the default copy constructor just copying size and the data pointer. Thus, a VectorView can be used as a call-by-value function argument (rather than a reference). All memory allocation/freeing happens in the derived class Vector.

A VectorView allows also to access a range of a vector:

class VectorView {
  VectorView Range(size_t first, size_t next)
    { return VectorView(next-first, data+first); }

With this we can, for example, zero elements with indices in semi-open interval \([10,15)\) via vec.Range(10,15) = 0.

A generalization of a VectorView allows vectors whose value don’t have to lie consecutively in memory. For that we provide the dist member variable:

class VectorView {
  size_t size_;
  size_t dist_;
  T * data_;
  T & operator()(size_t i) { return data[i*dist_]; }  

Ok, this is more general - but the index calculation comes with some price, which we do not want to pay if we do not need it. As a solution we define the dist_ variable of a template type, which is set to std::integral_constant<1> as a default. The compiler can easily optimize out the multiplication with a constant 1:

template <typename T, typename TDIST=std::integral_constant<1>>
class VectorView {
  size_t size_;
  TDIST dist_;
  T * data_;
  T & operator()(size_t i) { return data[i*dist_]; }  

5.2. Excercise#

  • Merge the expr - branch from TUWien-ASC/ASC-bla into your main branch instructions

  • Implement a MatrixView class

    template <typename T, template ORDERING>
    class MatrixView {
      size_t height_, width_, dist_;
      T * data_;

    Index calculation is i*dist+j in the row-major case, and i+j*dist in the col-major case.

    Let your Matrix class derive vom MatrixView. Initialize the dist variable either with the width, or the height of the matrix, depending on row or column-major storage.

  • Introduce expression templates for matrices, including

    • MatExpr + MatExpr -> MatExpr

    • MatExpr * MatExpr -> MatExpr

    • MatExpr * VecExpr -> VecExpr

  • Implement matrix.Row(i) and matrix.Col(j) methods returning a VectorView of individual rows and columns.

  • Implement matrix.Rows(first,next) and matrix.Cols(first,next) methods returning a MatrixView of a range of rows/cols.

  • Implement a Transpose(matrix) function resulting in a MatrixView of opposite ordering

  • Simplify the Inverse function using these new features

5.3. Pitfalls#

  • What happens with the statement A = A*B, where A and B are two matrices ?

  • What is the computational complexity for A = B*C*D, where A, B, C, D are \(n \times n\) matrices ?

  • what happens here ?

auto Func() {
  Matrix a(10,10);
  return a.Row(3); 

5.4. How good is it ?#

But can the compiler really generate good code from all of these nested functions and expression objects ? Yes ! It is important that the compiler can inline all the functions, sees the whole flow of data, and optimizes everything as a single function.

To verify what the compiler generates, we can have a look into the generated assembly code. There is an online tool Compiler Explorer. You copy in the source code, and it immediately displays the generated assembly code. It allows to choose between a lot of compilers, versions and provided flags.

If you scroll down within the left window you find two functions MyFunc, and MyFunc2. One uses expresion templates, the other one hand-written C-code. In the right window you see the generated assemply code. You can identify a loop (with compare cmp and not-equal branching jne. You find one addition addsd and one multiplication mulsd within the loop. You see that the two generated codes are identic, there is no overhead coming from the expression templates.