Clone a project from github

2. Clone a project from github#

Git is a popular version control system. It is free and open source.

GitHub is a platform and cloud-based service for software development and version control using Git.


  • install a C++ environment on your computer (e.g. (mingw or msvc) and Visual Studio Code)

  • install git (available within vs-code as Git Extension Pack)

  • install cmake (available within vs-code as CMake Tools)

look for project draft ASC-bla

and git-clone it. Either

  • use vscode ‘source control -> Clone Repository’

  • git clone <copy git link>

  • on Windows: …

Now we configure and build the project using cmake. You find a file ‘CMakeLists.txt’ describing the build structure for the project.

Again, vscode is doing the work for you. If you use a terminal, go to the ASC-bla directory and run:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

You should have produced an executable ‘test_vector’, try it out.

2.1. Extend ASC-bla in team-work#

You will now add more functionality to ASC-bla. You want to do it in team-work. Form teams by 2-4 students. Go back to github, and register. One of the team will fork ASC-bla (name it as you like), and invites colleagues to the project.

Repeat the steps from before: Clone, configure, build, run


  • Extend the library by a Matrix class and provide the following operations:

    • Matrix-vector product

    • Matrix-matrix product

    • Transpose matrix function

    • Some tests for your classes

Allow to choose between row-major and column-major storage:

enum ORDERING { ColMajor, RowMajor };
template <typename T, ORDERING ORD>
class Matrix {

push your changes to your github project using either vs-code functionality, or command line instructions as

git add tests/ src/matrix.h
git commit -m "added matrix class"
git push

The first command add stages your files you want to commit to your local version of the repository. With commit your local changes are taken over. Finally, with push you upload your local commits to the original git repo.

The other team-member can

git fetch
git merge 

the contributions. Experiment with changing the same code regions.

  • Add more advanced features:

    • Inverse matrix:

      Form matrix \(M = (A \; I)\), and perform row manipulations to obtain \(\widetilde M = (I \; A^{-1})\).

    • Allow to add Vector<double> to a Vector<std::complex<double>>

      typedef decltype(std::declval<TA>()+std::declval<TB>()) TRES;