2. Magnetostatics#

Computing the magnetic field induced by a wire coil

  • first, we solve an electric conductivity problem in the wire

  • then, we use the computed current to solve (a reduced) Maxwell equation

from netgen.occ import *
from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw

2.1. model of the coil:#

cyl = Cylinder((0,0,0), Z, r=0.01, h=0.03).faces[0]
heli = Edge(Segment((0,0), (12*pi, 0.03)), cyl)
ps = heli.start
vs = heli.start_tangent
pe = heli.end
ve = heli.end_tangent

e1 = Segment((0,0,-0.03), (0,0,-0.01))
c1 = BezierCurve( [(0,0,-0.01), (0,0,0), ps-vs, ps])
e2 = Segment((0,0,0.04), (0,0,0.06))
c2 = BezierCurve( [pe, pe+ve, (0,0,0.03), (0,0,0.04)])
spiral = Wire([e1, c1, heli, c2, e2])
circ = Face(Wire([Circle((0,0,-0.03), Z, 0.001)]))
coil = Pipe(spiral, circ)

coil.faces.col=(184/256, 115/256, 51/256)
crosssection = coil.faces.Max(Z).mass
ea = { "euler_angles" : (-130, -73, 0), "radius" : 0.025 }
Draw (coil, **ea);
box = Box((-0.04,-0.04,-0.03), (0.04,0.04,0.06))
box.faces.name = "outer"
air = box-coil

2.2. mesh-generation of coil and air-box:#

geo = OCCGeometry(Glue([coil,air]))
with TaskManager():
    mesh = Mesh(geo.GenerateMesh(meshsize.coarse, maxh=0.01)).Curve(3)
clipping = { "clipping" : { "y":1, "z":0, "dist":0.012} }
Draw (mesh, **clipping, **ea);

checking mesh data materials and boundaries:

mesh.ne, mesh.nv, mesh.GetMaterials(), mesh.GetBoundaries()
 ('coil', 'air'),

2.3. Solve a potential problem to determine current density in wire:#

on the domain \(\Omega_{\text{coil}}\), solve for potential \(\Phi\) and current density \(j\):

\[\begin{align*} j & = \sigma \nabla \Phi \\ \operatorname{div} j & = 0 \end{align*}\]

with electric conductivity \(\sigma\).

port boundary conditions:

\[\begin{align*} \Phi & = 0 \qquad \qquad \text{on } \Gamma_{\text{out}}, \\ j_n & = \frac{1}{|\Gamma_{in}|} \quad \qquad \text{on } \Gamma_{\text{in}}, \end{align*}\]

and \(j_n=0\) else

fespot = H1(mesh, order=3, definedon=mesh.Materials("coil"), dirichlet="out")
phi,psi = fespot.TnT()
sigma = 58.7e6
with TaskManager():
    bfa = BilinearForm(sigma*grad(phi)*grad(psi)*dx).Assemble()
    inv = bfa.mat.Inverse(freedofs=fespot.FreeDofs(), inverse="sparsecholesky")
    lff = LinearForm(1/crosssection*psi*ds("in")).Assemble()
    gfphi = GridFunction(fespot)
    gfphi.vec.data = inv * lff.vec
Draw (gfphi, draw_vol=False, **clipping, **ea);

2.4. Solve magnetostatic problem:#

current source is current from potential equation: find \(u \in H(\operatorname{curl})\):

\[ \int \mu^{-1} \operatorname{curl} u \cdot \operatorname{curl} v \, dx = \int j \cdot v \, dx \]
fes = HCurl(mesh, order=2, nograds=True)
print ("HCurl dofs:", fes.ndof)
u,v = fes.TnT()
mu = 4*pi*1e-7
a = BilinearForm(1/mu*curl(u)*curl(v)*dx+1e-6/mu*u*v*dx)
pre = preconditioners.BDDC(a)
f = LinearForm(sigma*grad(gfphi)*v*dx("coil"))
with TaskManager():
HCurl dofs: 794154
inv = solvers.CGSolver(a.mat, pre, plotrates=True)
gfu = GridFunction(fes)
with TaskManager():
    gfu.vec.data = inv * f.vec
<Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes>
s = 0.04*2
N = 15 
p = [(-s+2*s*i/N,-s+2*s*j/N,-s+2*s*k/N) for i in range(1,N) for j in range(1,N) for k in range(1,N)]
fieldlines = curl(gfu)._BuildFieldLines(mesh, p, num_fieldlines=N**3//5, randomized=True, length=0.3)
from ngsolve.webgui import FieldLines
# fieldlines = FieldLines(curl(gfu), mesh.Materials(".*"), length=0.2, num_lines=100)

# fieldlines = FieldLines(curl(gfu), mesh=mesh, start_points=p, length=0.2, num_lines=100)

Draw(curl(gfu), mesh,  "X", draw_vol=False, draw_surf=True, objects=[fieldlines], \
     min=0, max=1e-4, autoscale=False, settings={"Objects": {"Surface": False}},
    **ea, **clipping);